Ladies it has been tricky to try and give you all the times you requested as the majority wanted late to midmorning, I hope you are all happy with your time.
0900 June Anne Clarke Gillian Lithgow
0910 Kirsty Campbell Nicola Nightingale
0950 Julie Birdsall Pam Cessford
1000 Carina Bunyan Janet Shirra Gibb
1020 Vicki Shirra Gibb Diane Johnston
1030 Rineke Sangster Lucy Bell
1040 Jaqui Preston Doreen Pringle Sheila Horsburgh
1050 Anne Wood Christine McLain Anne Allan
1100 Sheila Cuthbertson Riz McGuilie Martine Pow
1110 Alison Rutherford Fiona Ker Sharon Paterson
1120 Janet Brown Pam Robson Ann Fleming
1130 Sue Nelson Jean Beattie
1140 Val McKean Lynne Flannigan Marjorie Rae
1150 Jacqui Porter Moira Wilson June Craig
1200 Biddy Henderson Judy Cairns Pat Greenshiels
1300 Alison Smith Patsy Laing Denise Richards
1310 Mandy Lunn June Allan Dorothy Small
1320 Kath Fletcher Karen McKinlay
Please remember we will be having our annual raffle so any gifts for the stall are more than welcome.
I will see you all on Sunday
Many Thanks Denise