Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Sophie Gifford/ South Divisional Championship

 Sunday, 1st September 2013

Moffat Golf Club  (By kind permission)

   18 hole Strokeplay                          11.30 – 12.30  approx                        Entry Fee £6                                                                           Open to all Silver Division Players
Competitors must be Members of Borders, Dumfriesshire or Galloway County Golf Associations. 
Girls Autumn Medal played after Championship. £4
Entries to :
Eileen Scott, Treweryn, 24 Carlisle Road, Lockerbie. DG11 2DN.
By Wednesday, 21st August
The Autumn Girls Medal will be run in conjunction with this event to save travel expenses. 
Girls with a silver handicap can enter both competitions provided they pay the two entry fees