Sunday, 24 March 2019

Match vs East Lothian

Our second friendly match was played at Minto today on a mainly dry but breezy day. We again played 4 matches of foursomes with East Lothian winning 3 ½ to ½.

June-Anne Clark and Fiona Ker halved match against Kay Lannin and Dulcie Barnes.
Gillian Lithgow and Vicki Shirra-Gibb lost to Alyssa Balding and Anne Sewell. 1up
Lynne Bruce and Caroline Fairnie lost to Gail McKill and Dianne Brown. 1up
Fiona Melrose and Chris Waterson lost to Sue Penman and Karen Fullerton. 4/3

Thank you to all the ladies who came to play and I hope to see you all at St Boswells for the Jenny Cleghorn.

Best wishes 

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Match vs East Lothian 24th March,Minto

The following ladies have been selected to represent the Borders in the match at Minto Golf Club on Sunday 24th March.

Lynne Bruce
June-Anne Clark
Caroline Fairnie
Fiona Ker
Gillian Lithgow
Fiona Melrose
Vicki Shirra-Gibb
Chris Waterson

Please all players meet at Minto at 10.00AM sharp for coffee and bacon rolls.
Dress: Black trousers, Red T-shirt, Red fleece / jumper.

Many thanks,


Monday, 11 March 2019

Friendly at Minto - 24th March

Hi Ladies,

We are still looking for 2 more people for the friendly match at Minto. These matches are a great way to meet fellow Border Ladies as well as Ladies from other counties.

If anyone would like to play please let me know as soon as possible.



Sunday, 10 March 2019

Friendly match vs Mid Lothian

The annual match was played at Eyemouth on today with the weather dry and breezy considering the sleet everyone drove through it turned out to be a fine afternoon.
We played 4 matches of foursomes with Mid Lothian coming out on top winning 2 1/2 to 1 1/2.

Tara Mactaggart and Leanne Wilson halved their match to Karen Ferguson-Snedden andCarys Irvine.
Sharon Patterson and Lynne Bruce won 2/1 to Hannah Scott and Caroline Steedman
Gillian Lithgow and Ingrid Swan lost to Wendy Nicholson and Camille Amatt
Kirsty Inkpen and Riz McGill lost to Louise Fraser and Karen Marshall

Well done to everyone and I look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Best wishes


Sunday, 3 March 2019

Spring Competition/Championship Quaifier

Hi Ladies,

Entries are now open for the Spring Competition / Championship Qualifier.
This will be played at Torwoodlee Golf Club on Sunday 14th April.

Morning and afternoon tee times are available and please contact myself if you would like to enter with your home club and preferred morning or afternoon tee off no later than Sunday 7th April.

Thank you

Mobile: 07754484033

Friday, 1 March 2019

Match vs Midlothian 10th March

The following ladies have been selected to represent the Borders in the match at Eyemouth Golf Club on Sunday 10th March.

Lynne Bruce
June-Anne Clark
Kirsty Inkpen
Gillian Lithgow
Tara Mactaggart
Sharon Paterson
Ingrid Swan
Leanne Wilson

Please all players meet at Eyemouth at 11.30AM sharp for coffee and bacon rolls.
Dress: Black trousers, Red T-shirt, Red fleece / jumper.

Many thanks,
